Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy Father’s Day/ 11 Months!!

Email Dated June 20, 2011

So Today is Monday...

Yesterday was Father´s Day and tomorrow I complete 11 months as a missionary...so I guess we´ll just have to celebrate both today haha. Thanks for the emails and the love and support as usual. Sounds like Dad had a good Father´s Day, which is good to hear....too bad we don´t get to call home on Father´s Day as well haha. The NBA better not get locked out too! Kobe´s gotta win another ring! haha. I´ve heard rumors from a few unnamed sources that Dwight Howard may be going to the Lakers in a trade for Andrew Bynum...any truth in these rumors?? .


As for the week....it was going well and then came crashing down. Here in our mission it is a goal to baptize every week. The 70 of the area here in Mexico has said that for Mexico the time is now...the people are ready to receive the Gospel, and as a result we need to be doing everything we can to baptize at least one person every week. Going into this week we had 3 different people we were focusing on for a baptism on Sunday. As the week went on....each and every one of them fell off date for baptism for a different reason. It was rough. I didn´t like it. I really was planning on baptizing every week this change, because I really feel like it´s possible here in this area. So Sunday I was a little disappointed to say the least. I felt like I had let somebody down and that I didn´t do all I could have done during the week. But now, it´s in the past, and it´s time to move on. We have to focus on this week coming up and make up for the week that we just had. I know that if we do all we can do, and work even harder, the Lord will make us instruments in his hands. I know that the people here in Mexico are ready to receive the Gospel...we just have to do our part as missionaries and help them in every way possible. 

I´ll be honest, I´m not completely sure what to talk about...it feels like it was just a normal week and that nothing out of the ordinary happened. The change is already HALF way done! can you believe it. At the end of this change I will be 10 days short of 1 year in the mission. Crazy. The time really is going by fast and I know it´s gonna keep going by even faster. I look at missionaries that seemed like they just completed a year the other day....and now they have 6 or 7 months left before they go home. It goes fast. I´ll admit it, sometimes a day or a week can drag on and be difficult, but thinking that I have 11 months in the mission already is surreal. 

Dieter F. UchtdorfThis week I was reading the Ensign with all of the conference talks, and I love the talk that President Uchtdorf gave. It’s called, “Waiting On the Road to Damascus”. He talks about how many people need a sign or a huge answer to their prayers to know that something is true...instead he said...we need to press forward with diligence and faith, serving others, and if we can do that, our testimony will grow line upon line precept upon precept and will be very strong. I know that if we do the little things - reading the scriptures, praying, keeping the commandments, going to church -  the Lord will bless us with a large and strong testimony. I know that my Savior lives and loves each and everyone of us. If we follow His example we can return and live with Him again someday. 

I love you and miss you all Happy Father´s Day Dad, just think, by the next time Father´s Day rolls around I´ll be one month away from finishing my mission. Love you all and miss you a lot.

And this is my Joy (Alma 29:9)

Elder Peacock

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