Hello Family and Friends,
Thanks for all the emails and love and support. A minor change. I Will be going home the 26th OF JULY, not the 25th. President changed it so we would have one day to go to these really cool pyramids that are outside the mission, which will be way fun...so plan on THURSDAY the 26th (5 months from yesterday).
La Cazadora
As for the week. Another really good week FULL of hard work. Elder Long and I are really focused and we work really well together...we are both coming close to the end of our missions, so we know that our time is limited, and I think that is partly what is motivating us this change. We taught 37 lessons, found 20
new investigators and were blessed with another 2 baptisms. The Lord is really blessing us for our hard work. Every Sunday night, we get home absolutely BEAT. But it is the best feeling in the world knowing that you gave it all during the week. This week we have another 4 investigators with baptismal date so we are hoping to have another successful week. Really, I am loving the work right now.
Today we`re going to go down to the Mixcoac church and play sports with the zone, and afterwards we are going to go down to Costco to eat, print some pictures and shop a little. Being in the city is a little bit different than the state. It is a lot like Chamapa where I was before...but we use the subway a lot more here to go from area to area when we do interviews. Also, there are just a lot more people here...there are people EVERYWHERE. I don`t think we will ever come close to talking to them all.
El Angel
I am loving the work...we are getting lost in it. My time is limited and I want to make the most of the time I have while I am here. I love the Lord and His work, and I am grateful for all of your love and support. Hope you all have a good week and enjoy the pictures.
And this is my joy,
Elder Peacock
Translation: peeing prohibited
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