Friday, August 13, 2010

Week 2: Learning

Hey Family,

Ok so, let's see. I don't think I mentioned any specifics about my district yIMG_0808et- there are 12 of us: 6 going to Mexico City West, 4 going to Mexico City East, and 2 that  are going to Peru Lima North. Elder Jacobs and I room with the Elders going to Peru and they actually leave next week for  the  MTC in Peru. Their names are Elder Hunt and Elder Mckachnie.  They're awesome guys...I mean Elders...Still getting used to that haha.


IMG_0806 So our task this week was that we had to again contact a volunteer investigator in Spanish, get them to let us in their house, get to know them (work, school, friends, family etc), and testify about how gospel blesses families in  Spanish. Anyways, I did great on all that Spanish part, and I think Elder Jacobs and I did a great job teaching them the first discussion after that. We got our "investigator" to  commit to read 3 Nephi 11, pray about it, and then come to church with us on Sunday.

As for our progressive investigator, we are contacting him again tonight for  the first time since he ditched our appointment last week. Hopefully, we will get another appointment and get another opportunity to teach him. Especially since I think  we can learn a lot from it. Is name is Hermano Milne AKA "Julio." So I will  keep you updated on that.

This last week, I also got my Spanish scriptures (which i was given when i arrived) engraved to say "Elder Justin Peacock “. I also got my "Himnos" engraved, so I thought that  was pretty cool since those are going to be the scriptures I use once I get out in the  field.

IMG_0831 Oh, also I got to see Patrick on Monday, which is the day before he left for Argentina. We chatted for a little bit, wished each other  luck, took a picture, and then hugged goodbye. I'm so excited for  him, he is going to be great out there.

This week during gym, my district  has played volleyball everyday. I actually really enjoy it, especially since everyone is on about the same skill level as me :) haha. But we seriously do have a lot of fun together. Gym is 50 minutes, and we have it right after lunch on Monday and  Tuesday, after dinner on Wednesday and Saturday, and after breakfast on  Friday. It's a lot of fun.

So as far as visas go, I think they are still  backed up for Mexico. My zone leaders just got delayed and they are both going to Mexico City as well, so keep praying and hopefully they will start coming through.

Now for food. It's not the worst thing in the world, but it's far from the best (not to mention healthiest). But I am surviving just fine with it for now, probably gaining weight but I haven't stepped on the scale recently so we'll see.

Ok so now for my learninIMG_0833g this week. I feel like I eat, sleep and breath lesson 1. We work on it/study it and practice it all the time. So now that I feel pretty comfortable teaching it we are moving on to lesson 2 which is the plan of salvation. So that's what I'll be practicing and learning about this week. As far as Spanish goes, I feel like I'm progressing pretty well. They have this computer program called TALL that helps you learn Spanish by going over phrases and words in various exercises. It does missionary phrases and lesson vocab too so its very useful. I use it almost every day.

The spiritual thought for the week is 1 Nephi 17:51 courtesy of Hermano Angus.

“And now, if the Lord has such great power, and has wrought so many miracles among the children of men, how is it that he cannot instruct me, that I should build a ship?”

Instead of build  a ship put in whatever you are struggling with. I put in "help me be a great missionary" at the end. I thought that was  cool.

IMG_0817 And congratulations Tanner Dahl. I have a elder in my district who lived in Australia and he said Brisbane is Really nice. I'm excited for  you buddy, you’re going to do great. Start preparing now. Also you still  need to write me about it, you promised.

I'm running out of time so here is  my  testimony on families since that's what I learned.

Yo sé que las familias son  ordenados por dios y son una parte central del plan de dios.

El evangelio de Jesucristo fortalece las familias porque un hogar establecido en los prinipios del evangelio es un lugar de felicidad.

Las familias son man importante.

A traves El Evangelio de Jesucristo, las familias pueden vivir juntas por la eternidad.  Yo testifico que este mensaje es verdadero.  Digo estas cosas, en el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen.

Love you and miss you so much.

Elder Peacock (sent 8/5/2010)

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